Alice in Corporateland
Want an upside to downsizing?
- Take a break from the job hunt.
- Grab a laugh with Alice.
Breaking news for anyone out of work, unemployed or outsourced: your job has been transferred to a contemporary version of Wonderland in author Joan Wendland's new book: Alice in Corporateland:A Curiouser and Curiouser Bizness.
Author has been there, too! Joan Wendland spent twenty-five years as Alice in Corporateland and experienced three "off with your head" corporate layoffs—one on April Fool's Day. More on Author Page
..."Wildly Entertaining... not too far-fetched from today's business environment..." —Lise Marinelli, Author of Falling from the Moon President, Windy City Publishing More on Review Page
Five Star Rating Barnes and Noble..." Takes the humour of Dilbert a step further... More on Review Page
Editor's Choice Award

About Alice in Corporateland: A Curiouser and Curiouser Bizness
Forty-something Alice falls into a paper pit smack into the paws of the white rabbit, who boasts of double PhD's in mismanagement and sexual misconduct.
That's just the beginning of Alice's wild ride through Corporateland—an unforgetable place inundated with paper and absurd animals who talk in enigmatic riddles—with great apologies to the animals for ever assigning them human characteristics.